Sunday, January 5, 2014

Self-Worth and Happiness :)

Everyone wants to be happy in their lives. But, what is happiness and where does it come from? I believe in happiness coming from within.

I just did a ‘Google’ search to compare the words happiness and self-worth. There were close to 750 million search results for the word ‘happiness’  and a comparatively low 40 million results for the word ‘self-worth’.

Okay it looks like we just want to be happy. But the backbone for being happy is self esteem.  The bottom line is when we increase our self esteem happiness comes with it.  

Stop comparing yourself with others. There is none superior or inferior to you. Throughout our lives, right from childhood we are taught to compare ourselves with others. What do we gain in doing so? We simply destroy ourselves and our self esteem. Understand the truth that, ‘We are what we are and will be what we will be’.  And when you stop comparing yourself, you actually begin to understand who you really are.

Love yourself more than anything. Have a gratitude for being who you are. Love the things that you do which lays a strong foundation for a healthy self esteem. After all if you don’t appreciate your actions, how could you expect others to? And always ensure to make things happen for you instead of allowing things happen to you.

Stop living in the past and be present. Never hurt yourself for things that you haven’t done and start focusing on what you can become with your present life. Life is a circle. Sometime great things may happen and sometime everything may fall apart. Don’t lose hope at any cause. Hope will strengthen your thoughts and keep you out of worries. It will provide you the solution for all your uncertainties.

I would like to end the post by reminding you of how special you are. Appreciate yourself and others. Discover the true happiness within you.

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.” ~Buddha

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Just Some..........

Just some random thoughts of mine :

  • The best part in friendship is understanding and sacrifice
  • You tend to loose your individuality when you are not independent 
  • One of the biggest problems in our country is the 'NO-PROBLEM' attitude of the people
  • At some point or another everybody realizes , 'Wasted Time Never Returns
  • Every time when a problem seems to end in life, it is time to enjoy yourself with a new problem 
  • Those who fail to accept the reality fail to live their dream
  • It's the quality of one's belief that determines success, not empty prayers 
  • How to turn defeat into victory?                                                             Build your spirit. Remember that we are only defeated, not destroyed

Friday, February 24, 2012

Happened to.......

Happened to get this wonderful piece of advice from one of my well wishers    -   ' Fear must make you Dynamic, not static '. It is one of the best lines i would like to share.

Fear on things could turn out to be one's worst enemy. Fear always hinders one's growth. It won't allow us to think rationally. It may deceive us from reality. Fear makes people feel insecure. It will make them passive and less social. The decisions taken in fear will be a blunder. 

In my view the most powerful forces known to man are not nuclear weapons, nor any of nature's awesome wonders like the might of an earthquake, etc.. but the thoughts and ideas of the mind. Our thoughts are the most powerful tool we have. 

Thoughts can redefine everything. I take fear as a positive thing. A thing that you are feared of must help you progress in life ; a source of inspiration, which will help you to conquer the fear.

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Sky is one of the coolest things of nature. The wide sky always intrigues me. I admire it, irrespective of whether it's a day or night time. I get lost in thoughts when i look at it. There is always  a perfect silence and peace in sky. Many days there seemed nothing else between sky and me when i'm totally preoccupied.

Sky is limitless and so do my thoughts. It's to infinity and beyond. My thoughts just keeps going on and on when i'm with it and there are always infinite questions to ask. In my experience i feel sky can be the best thing to engage in introspection .    


Sunday, January 8, 2012

My dream

Everyone has dreams and wishes. As time passes they get closer and closer to them. I have one such dream. In fact the dream is now turning into a goal. My dream is to organize a Library of my own.

Books are always wonders. I too believe in Book is the best friend, a person can have. A person is never going to feel alone in the presence of books. The more you read, the more things you will know.

My dream is to build a library with a variety of books. I remember one of my best friends saying, "Give someone an inspirational book to read. You will feel good doing it, reading the book will change the person, and they will think of you every time they read it". These words are so true. Books are the best sources for knowledge. They will enlighten you and inspire you for a better future.

So setting up a library has been my long time dream. And it will be in a way that is accessible to a wider public. I hope my dream comes true someday and I will definitely work on it.     

Saturday, December 31, 2011

My Happiest moments of 2011

2011 has been a good year for me so far. There were some unforgettable moments. I learned many new stuffs which includes my ascent in online and social activities. I realized that i was on the horizon of adulthood. I started accepting my responsibilities. I felt maturity in my relationships with friends and family. Here are some of my happiest moments of 2011...

Feb 8: I won a robotics competition with friends, which was conducted as a part of ANOKHA 2011 by Amritha University. It was my first earning. We had worked on the bot for 2 months.And it was my 20th birthday. We partied hard after the victory. It was one birthday i will never forget in my life. 

Mar 14: The day when my parents became grandparents. My sister gave birth to a beautiful girl baby. I would have probably been the most happiest person on earth. I understood what it takes to become a mother. I being  a mama now, welcomed my niece with tons and tons of happiness.

Sep 20: My first recruitment. I was happy obviously, to see my name in the selected candidates list. 

On the whole 2011 ends as as teacher who thought me my responsibilities. I consider it as the basement for my challenging future. I hope for a refreshing 2012.



Friday, December 23, 2011


Friends are very important in everyone's life. A good friend is the most valuable asset a person can have. I love making good friends. Friendship has no bounds.

I like talking to new people; say it in a train, an occasion, social networks ... I never register the word stranger. Remember that every friend of you was a stranger once! So why hold back?

I categorize my friends by how well they understand me and I understand them. I am fortunate to have good friends both in my college and school life.

And from my experience i find that the best part of friendship is understanding and sacrifice. 

Saturday, December 10, 2011


I always believe in responsibility from within. One cannot teach other to be responsible. That wouldn't be effective either. Why should one be advised to take care of one's parent? Why should the citizens be told to respect their country?

Responsibility should be a self thing. Why does the public always blame politicians for the sick state of our country? The country's development is not a single handed thing. Are we realising our responsibilities atleast? It is more than enough if we understand this and carry on. And we will be in better India, which is only a dream now.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I personally believe that cartoons play a big role in building up kids. I don't understand why the general Indian society doesn't understand this fact. People here think that watching cartoon is childish and waste of time. Sad that even some educated parents follow this suit.

But it is a total misconception. Cartoons actually helps children imagine and dream. They give a perfect start to childhood. It helps in innovative thinking and it's effects continues as they grow into adults. And it also helps in effective communication. So of my favorite cartoons are Dexter's lab, Powerpuff girls, T&J, Pokemon, Swat Kats, etc etc...

P.S: All these time i was talking about English Cartoons.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Being You

Being you is very important in life. I don't believe in people living for the sake of others. It's very important that you being true to yourself. 
And why is that people steal the efforts of others?
People tend to loose their true identity by mimicking others . It's a shame.  

Being just you builds self confidence. It makes you stronger and saves you out of guilt and fear. And we will always be satisfied with our efforts.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Think positive

Always have a positive approach towards life. Don't see the people who have failed and lose hope, instead look at the people who have achieved after several attempts and take them as your inspiration.

Perseverance is always the key to success. When you lose hope you lose you everything. How much ever you try without faith the end result will be a zero. So always think positive and carry on. You will get the thing that you wished.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

My favorite movie

The Shawshank Redemption

Well, The Shawshank Redemption is my favorite movie of all time. I  learned a lot from this film. This particular phrase very from the movie has a lot of depth in it 'Fear will make you a prisoner ; Hope will set you free'. Yeah, I have realized that hope can be the best solution for all the uncertain questions that we have in our lives

I would have watched this  film a minimum 20 times. And every time it always gets better and better. I wasn't surprised by the ratings in IMDB. It's top of the list and i hope that it will continue to remain forever.

My favorite line from this movie is " Remember Red, Hope is a good thing.. Maybe the best of things.. And no good thing ever dies". Do watch the movie if you haven't watched it yet.