Sunday, November 27, 2011

My favorite movie

The Shawshank Redemption

Well, The Shawshank Redemption is my favorite movie of all time. I  learned a lot from this film. This particular phrase very from the movie has a lot of depth in it 'Fear will make you a prisoner ; Hope will set you free'. Yeah, I have realized that hope can be the best solution for all the uncertain questions that we have in our lives

I would have watched this  film a minimum 20 times. And every time it always gets better and better. I wasn't surprised by the ratings in IMDB. It's top of the list and i hope that it will continue to remain forever.

My favorite line from this movie is " Remember Red, Hope is a good thing.. Maybe the best of things.. And no good thing ever dies". Do watch the movie if you haven't watched it yet.

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