Saturday, December 31, 2011

My Happiest moments of 2011

2011 has been a good year for me so far. There were some unforgettable moments. I learned many new stuffs which includes my ascent in online and social activities. I realized that i was on the horizon of adulthood. I started accepting my responsibilities. I felt maturity in my relationships with friends and family. Here are some of my happiest moments of 2011...

Feb 8: I won a robotics competition with friends, which was conducted as a part of ANOKHA 2011 by Amritha University. It was my first earning. We had worked on the bot for 2 months.And it was my 20th birthday. We partied hard after the victory. It was one birthday i will never forget in my life. 

Mar 14: The day when my parents became grandparents. My sister gave birth to a beautiful girl baby. I would have probably been the most happiest person on earth. I understood what it takes to become a mother. I being  a mama now, welcomed my niece with tons and tons of happiness.

Sep 20: My first recruitment. I was happy obviously, to see my name in the selected candidates list. 

On the whole 2011 ends as as teacher who thought me my responsibilities. I consider it as the basement for my challenging future. I hope for a refreshing 2012.



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