Saturday, January 14, 2012


Sky is one of the coolest things of nature. The wide sky always intrigues me. I admire it, irrespective of whether it's a day or night time. I get lost in thoughts when i look at it. There is always  a perfect silence and peace in sky. Many days there seemed nothing else between sky and me when i'm totally preoccupied.

Sky is limitless and so do my thoughts. It's to infinity and beyond. My thoughts just keeps going on and on when i'm with it and there are always infinite questions to ask. In my experience i feel sky can be the best thing to engage in introspection .    


Sunday, January 8, 2012

My dream

Everyone has dreams and wishes. As time passes they get closer and closer to them. I have one such dream. In fact the dream is now turning into a goal. My dream is to organize a Library of my own.

Books are always wonders. I too believe in Book is the best friend, a person can have. A person is never going to feel alone in the presence of books. The more you read, the more things you will know.

My dream is to build a library with a variety of books. I remember one of my best friends saying, "Give someone an inspirational book to read. You will feel good doing it, reading the book will change the person, and they will think of you every time they read it". These words are so true. Books are the best sources for knowledge. They will enlighten you and inspire you for a better future.

So setting up a library has been my long time dream. And it will be in a way that is accessible to a wider public. I hope my dream comes true someday and I will definitely work on it.