Sunday, January 5, 2014

Self-Worth and Happiness :)

Everyone wants to be happy in their lives. But, what is happiness and where does it come from? I believe in happiness coming from within.

I just did a ‘Google’ search to compare the words happiness and self-worth. There were close to 750 million search results for the word ‘happiness’  and a comparatively low 40 million results for the word ‘self-worth’.

Okay it looks like we just want to be happy. But the backbone for being happy is self esteem.  The bottom line is when we increase our self esteem happiness comes with it.  

Stop comparing yourself with others. There is none superior or inferior to you. Throughout our lives, right from childhood we are taught to compare ourselves with others. What do we gain in doing so? We simply destroy ourselves and our self esteem. Understand the truth that, ‘We are what we are and will be what we will be’.  And when you stop comparing yourself, you actually begin to understand who you really are.

Love yourself more than anything. Have a gratitude for being who you are. Love the things that you do which lays a strong foundation for a healthy self esteem. After all if you don’t appreciate your actions, how could you expect others to? And always ensure to make things happen for you instead of allowing things happen to you.

Stop living in the past and be present. Never hurt yourself for things that you haven’t done and start focusing on what you can become with your present life. Life is a circle. Sometime great things may happen and sometime everything may fall apart. Don’t lose hope at any cause. Hope will strengthen your thoughts and keep you out of worries. It will provide you the solution for all your uncertainties.

I would like to end the post by reminding you of how special you are. Appreciate yourself and others. Discover the true happiness within you.

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.” ~Buddha